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thenewgreen · 4789 days ago · link · · parent · post: Anti-vaccine hysteria causing resurgence in preventable disease, with bonus delayed diagnoses
I appreciate the rant. I reread through the comments here and I see nobody saying stfu>fo. I can only speak for myself regarding the anti-vac people that tried to consult us re our daughter. What I found was that they had no idea what they were talking about. All they knew was that vaccinations caused autism, period. How did they know this? Because they heard it from a lady that heard it from a lady that read Jenny McCarthy's book, that's how. This is my experience, I have no experience with the informed parent that recognizes the global in congruencies of vaccination schedules or the double talk of the FDA. They just heard vaccinations bad and they feel like being at the cutting edge of parenting. I would like to discuss this more but I'm at a bar and my boss just walked in. -Later.