This is SOOO much more your generation than mine insom, even if it was written 7 years ago. That said, I don't think we need to worry. When I was thirteen years old there was a fifteen year old girl living next door to me. She had just moved in and she was a "bad girl" by my mother standards which made her irresistible to me. Seriously, she was perfect; tall, dark hair pulled back under a bandana, ripped jeans showing off her sexy legs, cut-off guns and roses shirt showing her stomach. -I can't explain to you how she was hot without using a modern day description; if any of you are familiar with Sucide Girls you'll know the look. She was definitely a bad girl, but there was also that hint of mid-west sweetheart in there. Anyways, she had her room in the basement of their home and had one of those basement windows that is about the size of a cinderblock, but I would spend hours outside pretending to practice my free-throws in the driveway just waiting for a glimpse of her in her room. One day, she saw me looking. Erin: "Hey, Steve." Me: "Um..." Erin: "Yeah.. come over here. Her head sticking out of the window. Dark eyeliner. Definitely bad. bad. So hot though. Me: "Okay" I walked over to her window and she backed away from it, then looked back up at me. Erin: "I'm going to try on some clothes and I want you to tell me if they look good." Me: "Yeah sure" Pretty sure I jizzed in my pants right then. Erin: "Okay, hold on." For the next half hour, Erin proceeded to try on everything from stockings, to bra's and really everything and anything she owned that was underwear or lingerie. Finally towards the end she asked me: Erin: "Do you like this braw?" And thirteen year old Steve had the gumption to say this: Me: "I don't know, I think I'd have to feel that one." I cupped her breast through the window. I would also work my way down through the window, in to her room and do more... though not as much as I'd had liked. Erin never granted me such access again even though I shot a ridiculous amount of free throws in my driveway that year. My point is, I think girls and boys have been liberal with their sexuality for as long as there have been windows. The internet is a new window and it has different rules. People would be wise to recognize the difference but all the naysayers would be wise to see the similarities too. This is nothing new.