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kleinbl00  ·  3694 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Global Warming vs Rush Limbaugh

So... based on your links and based on your viewpoint, what I'm going to recommend is some reading up on global warming.

For one thing, we're past the tipping point.


Consensus put it at 350ppm CO2 and we hit 386 in 2012. Things are going to change. They are already.

For another thing, global warming is most going to impact the indigent, the unprepared, the fragile equatorial regions. This is the main reason nobody is doing anything: life will get harder and less comfy for the 1st world, but shall become even more nasty, brutish and short for everyone else. It's a good time to not live in the Cote d'Ivoire.

BIll McKibben's your man. Read this book. Then read this one. Paul Gilding subtitles his book "how climate change will change everything for the better" but he also mentions a massive die-off of humanity in Chapter 2.

From there, you'll have a better idea what we're looking at. Then, if you want to do something, go here:
