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b_b  ·  4484 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: SIDS: The Latest Research on How Sleeping With Your Baby is Safe
Full disclosure: I'm not a parent, so I always feel like my 2 cents don't count on child matters. But, that said, I can spot an ad campaign designed as a safety campaign from a mile away, no matter what the subject. This reminds me of the child safety seat thing. There isn't any evidence that the new booster seats that kids are required to sit in provide any more safety than a seat belt after age 2, but this is the law now. You're now a terrible parent if you let your kid ride in a car without a booster, or ride a bike without a helmet. One thing that transcends parenting or science, and always will, is that if a manufacturer has a good relationship with the legislature, you're gonna be spending a lot more money on their product.