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mk  ·  4874 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Obama, financial war and the elimination of DSK
A very interesting perspective on the situation. My gut tells me that the truth lies somewhere closer to the middle. History seems always to be composed of plans, mistakes, misunderstanding, timing, and luck. IMHO, it always seems a safer bet to describe action, rather than planning, in light of the interests of the powers that be.

If I had to wager, I would think that DSK has a vice, and the US took much advantage of it, perhaps before, and definitely after the alleged incident.

The US 'news' is garbage even in the rare instances when it isn't manipulating, and it doesn't surprise me that I had to go elsewhere to learn that the plane was booked days in advance. Those idiots wouldn't report the fact for the very reason that it made the story less exciting.

I'd love to hear more about the international reserve currency. That is the biggest challenge to US hegemony I can imagine. As a result, the US would be willing to destroy much more than one man's life to prevent it from developing out of their interests. A world currency seems inevitable to me (bitcoin?), and the US will suffer for it. I doubt that the situation in Libya is fueled by it more than in a small part, however. There are a number of solid reasons why the US would like to replace Gaddafi. Nothing wrong with adding icing to the cake.