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kleinbl00  ·  4497 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: If you could change something about Hubski, what would it be?
I believe this is wrong-headed.

I appreciate the desire to leverage the person-based discovery of content, but the fact of the matter is, "All posts" exists because your current approach doesn't adequately parse Hubski. The way to diminish the "schizophrenic" usage of the site is to improve the functionality of "follow", not eliminate the functionality of "all."

FULL DISCLOSURE: I am not a programmer. You could tell me how you're coding all this and I wouldn't understand well enough to offer suggestions. So take this with a grain of salt:

You have to have a pretty good idea, down there in your data, of what we click on and what we don't. You also have to have a pretty good idea as to what we comment on and what we don't. The way to do "follow-based" discovery wouldn't be an "all" button but, perhaps, a "mutate" button. Spitball up a variation on the statistical approximation of what I'm following, tweak a couple things, and spit that new profile back to me to let me see what else is out there. This allows me to dig more into the "social" aspect of it and less into the "all" aspect of it (because sometimes it's important to know what everyone else sees, too, I don't ever want that to go away).

I use Absynth a lot. It allows you to do this. Here's an example of what I'm talking about:
