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b_b  ·  3915 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: On Turning 30

Meh. We evolve continuously. I would never, say, drink a whole bottle of liquor in an evening at this point in my life. And I'm a homeowner, something I never thought would happen. But I've never sent a damn Christmas card in my life, and I don't plan to start.

mk and I were having dinner the other day, and we were wondering at what point we started to enjoy that. As kids the idea of going out to dinner to sit around and chat is the most boring thing you could possibly do. As adults it's something we all love. Who knows when the transition took place, probably at a Denny's late at night as a teenager, chain smoking and drinking coffee to quiet your buzz, I suppose. The transition to old is probably equally as diffuse, I imagine.