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kleinbl00  ·  3923 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski's New User Experience: Primer Page

1) Yes. This has been needed for a long time. Nice work.

2) "On Hubski, you can follow users, tags, and domains. You+R+ feed is the result of who and what you follow."

3) "Why is Hubski based around following users rather than topics?" I would say the jury is still out on this one. The site is perfectly functional without following anyone, otherwise I would have capitulated long ago.

4) "Many people assume that this could result in a site full of "power-users," Let's put a pin in that, as Walter White says. I personally feel that me, MK and TNG have an undue influence on what people see. Is that due to structure? Is that due to an early advantage? Either way, it's an uncomfortable feeling.

5) "What are some of Hubski's features?" …could use some visual aids. The goal of "I want to give someone a badge" must necessarily be accompanied by the deduction "therefore I must click on this 8-point exclamation mark next to a plus sign." This would also be a great place to put the current iteration of MK's bizarre-ass Markup mutation.