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thenewgreen  ·  4510 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Beatles - Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame 1 induction
There was a royalties dispute between Paul and Yoko (which eventually they would resolve). She laid in to him saying "John would have been here".

Ringo does put on a "character". He is by far the most theatrical of the bunch. Hence the name "Ringo"... what Richard wasn't good enough?

Julian does look a lot like John. I always feel sad for Julian, he got the shaft in the dad department. When he was a kid John was never around and when he was I think he was less than an ideal father. Then John straightens up and gives all his attention to Sean Lennon and then just as John is becoming a better father towards Julien some d-bag shoots him.

If you like the Beatles and from our conversations I know you do, you really ought to read this: http://www.amazon.com/Here-There-Everywhere-Recording-Beatle...

A really fantastic read.