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kleinbl00  ·  3791 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski, what's next on the interrnet?

You should read Ryan Holiday's book. He makes a compelling argument that the Internet as we see it now is pretty much where journalism was back in the days of broadsheets and corner cryers, where you needed to grab the attention of random passers-by every.single.DAY because if you didn't sell everything you printed, you lost money. He further argues that journalism, as we understand it, didn't really exist until the New York Times started selling subscriptions so that they could report on the news, rather than make it up in hopes of selling papers.

The fact that the same company uses the same algorithm to generate eHow article topics and Cracked article topics says a lot about the way the Internet is organizing itself somatically. And frankly, the fact that we did this a hundred years ago and the edifice came crumbling down within a decade says even more.