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user-inactivated  ·  3823 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski Collaborative Song #2 with Drums/Percussion -Need Feedback

I'm struggling figuring out something for this song- not because it's not good (because it is), but because my brain works too simply for these changes. Everything I was coming up with was just overlaying chords, which is lazy and extraneous. I personally cotton to the idea of more straight-forward tracks, esp. given limited time to work on them for at least the frame of the near future.

The drums are a little bit behind the beat... but recorded beautifully. Jesus. Great tone.

In the future, would it be possible for whoever puts something up to include the BPM as well, so we can sync it to click track in whatever programs we use? Would make recording percussion stuff in general a lot easier.