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Kafke  ·  3988 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What are your sosumis?

I think it really depends. The two are indeed separate for me. Sometimes they line up, and sometimes they don't. In some cases, knowing "the secret" behind it kind of ruins it. Movies and Video games are especially vulnerable to this (considering I know a bit about how they are made). Music is a bit different, as I don't know quite all the details about how it's made. So it's mostly a naive view, followed by learning about the music later on.

A good example (for me) is Eminem. I don't really like his stuff. At all. There's maybe a song or two that I enjoy. But after reading up on the guy and listening to some interviews, I can kind of "see" him behind his work. So I appreciate it a bit more. Doesn't mean I like the music though. It still "sounds" the same, but I have a greater appreciation for it.

In other cases, I find that learning about the history/context adds to my enjoyment. That's rare though :P.