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kleinbl00  ·  4515 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: "Choose your friends wisely, for they may someday determine your APR."
All statistics are purely correlative. Your numbers are only as good as your model, and your model is imperfect by design. Any statistical data is an attempt to apply gestalt policy to individuals - if that worked, would we still be individuals?

As to the "causal link" and payments, you're simply mistaken. Play a game with me. Write down your five closest friends. Write down what you think they make in a year. Now add those five numbers together and divide by five. Now tell me that number.

I'm going to repeat that number back to you, and tell you your annual earnings.

You think because it isn't genetic, it isn't true?

It isn't their fault, either. Take customer loyalty cards. Did you know that simply having a Kroger card means that someone can subpoena all your shopping habits since you first got the card?