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iammyownrushmore  ·  3988 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What are your sosumis?

I'm glad you like Sufjan, although I would be careful about calling it "simple", he's a very powerful and thoughtful artist, it just may formulate itself in other ways than you may be used to listening for.

I think you may appreciate the more eclectic, so if you don't mind a couple of other suggestions:

Dirty Projectors did an album "covering" Black Flag songs, and it's my favorite of theirs and their earlier work is definitely more of a challenge to listen to and probably will appeal to the "rock"-ish aspects of your preferences.

Naked City is a group that John Zorn took part in and they are just some wacky fuckers.

Extra Life is a self-proclaimed "baroque-metal" group that recently disbanded and sound to me like a stylistically extreme Tool.