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Kafke  ·  3989 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What are your sosumis?

If by "desert island list" you mean severely lacking, then yes. But I wouldn't say it's because of my music taste. My first introduction to "music" was probably around middle-school where I just listened to my Mom and Brother's stuff. My mom is more into... err... traditional? music. I think it falls more in line with classic rock and country. I didn't really like that stuff. My brother had a "better" taste in my opinion, and he was more into punk rock. Linkin Park, Good Charlotte, and the like. Which were okay. That was really my only taste of music up until high school and college.

In highschool I started to dabble in some music I stumbled across. Just misc. songs. While my actual music discovery just only started maybe last year or so. So yea, my library is a bit lacking at the moment.

Fortunately, I've found 3 artists in the past week or so that I really enjoy. So it's not just that I hate everything :P