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Kafke  ·  3989 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What are your sosumis?

    If you are actually a fan of music as an art form, you appreciate these things. Also, context informs lyrics. If you know the history of when a band recorded, what was happening etc, you can get a better understanding about what they're singing about. But you aren't a fan of lyrics, this much is evident so I'm not sure it's worth even having this conversation.

But you see, I can appreciate what they did with the technology available. Just like I can appreciate Citizen Kane for revolutionizing movies. Or just like I can appreciate pong for revolutionizing video games. Doesn't mean any of them are remotely good. At the time, maybe. But these things have not stood the test of time and there are much better things available now.

    -I don't think you know much about music. Not trying to be a dick, but even people that don't like the Beatles music have enough sense to recognize that much of it was more complex than a bunch of random teenagers making music.

Honestly, I really tried to like them. That's all it honestly sounds like to me. And really, I'm guessing that's why those are some of the first songs people learn with learning guitar or another instrument.

    But you aren't a fan of lyrics, this much is evident so I'm not sure it's worth even having this conversation.

I think this is a good point to bring up. As there are songs I "like" because I like the lyrics (but I think the song is terrible) and there are songs that I "like" because I like the music behind the lyrics (but don't necessarily like the lyrics). I haven't listened to the beatles enough to know if they fall in the "I like the lyrics" category or not, but honestly, I can't stand the noise of their "music".

    I'm curious what music, aside from Beethoven/Mozart etc that you do think is "good".

Not much. I find that ~90% of the stuff I come across isn't worth listening to. I've listened to stuff in nearly every music genre. As with Beethoven/Mozart, I find other classical music and symphonies to be pretty impressive. Not "listen daily" material, but I can recognize that it's pretty damn impressive and don't mind it if it's on.

As for what I think is "good", that'd really be just what is "interesting". If it can hold my attention, then it's a good song. For some popular stuff: I like a lot of Maroon 5's stuff. Eminem seems to do some good work, but I don't like the music behind his raps. He needs an actual artist to work with.

But really, I like to listen to stuff like this. Lots of fusion genres. Lots of electro-swing stuff is really good too. Caravan Palace, Parov Stelar. I prefer fast-pace/tempo music, but that's just a preference. I can enjoy slower stuff too if it's good. By contrast, the beatles are just bland. I appreciate what they did for music (as tons of artists did as well), but in terms of stuff I can listen to right now they kind of suck.

    -Now I'm wondering if I'm talking with a 12 year old?

Nope. 20. I'm surprised that you think that someone who doesn't follow the crowd's opinion is "a 12 year old". It's not like I'm pulling this shit from my ass. I can cut a clear line between music that I genuinely think is good and bad. Also, age doesn't matter. And I tend to find ignorant or stubborn people are the only ones who tend to use age as an argument. I've seen plenty of 12 year olds that are a lot better of a person than any 20-60 year olds.

Fact of the matter is, I really wouldn't mind going deaf in general. It's an inconvenience, but it'd be nice not to have to listen to shit all day.