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Kafke  ·  3989 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What are your sosumis?

1. Pop music. All of it. Any of it. Old, new, etc. I don't care. If it's popular, there's a 99% chance I'm gonna hate it. I guess it's my hipster blood, but I can't stand any of it. Beatles? sucks. That stupid fox song? Stay away. Gangnam style? okay the first time, but it got annoying. Really. It all sucks. Go get me some good music.

2. I guess a strange one would be: Jeans. I don't get the big deal. I hate the texture. I don't care that people like them, but it just seems so eery and robotic. Literally everyone wears jeans it seems. wtf?

3. Movies. Not movies in general, but just what seems to be popular. Comedy movies aren't funny. Action movies are usually the most boring. And the avengers was not good. All those movies suck and I'm ashamed I paid $10 to go see it with my friends. I'll stick to my time travel, parallel universe, and anime movies, thanks.

4. Wearing shoes indoors. I get home and immediately take off my shoes. I know people who'll wear their shoes until they go to sleep. How can you be comfortable/relax when you have shoes on? I don't get it.

5. First Person Shooter games. They just don't hold my interest. I played some way back when, but I got bored of them and haven't touched one since.