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humanodon  ·  3855 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: 30 Below Contest—2013 | Narrative Magazine

I did not know that word until now. There are lots of gross words associated with babies and the birthing process, like episiotomy.. That link by the way, has a diagram. The entry for meconium tells me that amniotic fluid is also called "amniotic liquor". I am not keen to learn why, but it's the time of night when the Wikipedia will-o'-wisps start dancing.

I find that naming animals is hard too. I had a pig named Squeak and before that a turtle named Fatass.

Tough luck with Harrison. You could go with Harris, but that might be confusing. Anyway, by the time the kid is 30, few of your kid's social circle would know that your dog was named Harrison too.

What would you go with for the short form of "Atticus"? Some names do not lend themselves well to shortening.