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kleinbl00  ·  3889 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why Are American Health Care Costs So High?

My problem with this video is it's an onslaught of information that gives the viewer the impression he's a fucking idiot. There are a few facts in there that aren't as commonly known but by not giving the impression that the dude had to pause to breathe, it basically hammers home the purpose: post to facebook, feel superior, expect your right-wing friends to bow down before your superior knowledge (or link-posting) and sit there smugly knowing you're in the right.

Lemme break this down in far simpler terms:

1) wage controls were enacted by FDR in 1942. This had the effect of requiring employers to think "outside the box" to attract talent, since salaries were capped. Thus the creation of "benefits."

2) The formerly non-profit insurance companies found themselves in a competitive marketplace where their offerings became an extension of salary. Meanwhile, McCarthyism, which made it really hard to go back to anything "socialized."

3) Nixon squeezed out everyone but the giant insurance conglomerates with the HMO act of 1973.

Simply put, yeah, stuff is more expensive here because individuals and small organizations have been unable to compete for prices for more than seventy years. There's your capitalism in a nutshell. The end result is that expecting fairness in health care pricing is like expecting to win a small claims judgement against the mayor. You're outranked, outgunned, and institutionally fucked.

Everything else is just a symptom of the problem.