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comment by mk
mk  ·  4542 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Are smart kids more likely to use drugs?  - The Week
Yeah, that's nasty. Booty bumper is a nifty name for a nasty user.

I wouldn't doubt that there is some truth to this. Some of the most brilliant people I've known have used drugs. But, not in the same pattern as what I'd call users. The brilliant people were sporadic in their experimentation.

My relationship to drug use, and that of the folks I know, makes me think that little would change if they were legal. Using drugs is chasing a high or an escape for some, it's a recreation for others, and the rest of the people either have no interest, or lost interest.

I never once considered legality when it was a question of whether or not I'd use something. I don't think it is for use. Just buying and selling.