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comment by thenewgreen
thenewgreen  ·  4537 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Are smart kids more likely to use drugs?  - The Week
I sure hope so because this would mean I was a genius.

Could it be that ignorance really is "bliss"? If so, who needs drugs when you're already in a state of "bliss"?

When you're intelligent enough to know the uncertainty of life, it helps to escape now and then.

fr33lunch  ·  4537 days ago  ·  link  ·  
College really opened my eyes to this. I remember being so surprised by which of my dorm-mates partook in "extra curricular activities". Most of the people in high school who I knew did drugs were less experimenters, and more users. I suppose that is more indicative of the change in friends from high school to college for me than anything.
thenewgreen  ·  4532 days ago  ·  link  ·  
I grew up in MI and went to school at the University of Montana. Despite the distance and relative obscurity, there was a large contingent of kids from my graduating class that went there. One of these kids was a fantastic student in High School named... we'll say "Charles". Charles got to school and did well while in the dorms but once we were out, he got really heavily in to cocaine. Eventually, he realized how much money he could make selling it. I remember going on spring break with Charles and when we were getting off of the plane, he was sweating so much he looked like he had just gotten out of a pool. Turned out he brought more drugs than you could imagine: Coke, Molly, XTC, Pot, Mushrooms etc. -Crazy dude.

Although Charles was always fun, his life spiraled in a really bad direction. Last I heard he joined the Army through court order.

He was really a bright guy but his college experience definitely changed him.... a lot.