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comment by am_Unition
am_Unition  ·  428 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: A post for chat gpt

Nah, man, I was just making a dumb joke.

Long story short, I think the best way to predict what the future will hold is to listen to the futurists' babblings and know that it definitely won't be like that.

Agree with Foveaux, though, thanks for the links. And essay.

kleinbl00  ·  428 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I wasn't asking you I was riffing off you. I went through a period with the whole Yudikowsky box thing because I could not think of a cheaper sci fi script to shoot. It could be Primer without being a bunch of poorly-shot bullshit. But the closer I looked the less intelligent they all seemed. It turned more and more into a bunch of Freepers egging each other on about the New World Order.

I had not, however, actually investigated "Roko's Basilisk" beyond "this is this in-group signaling word." The whole fucking thing is like Snow Crash the religion.