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comment by thenewgreen
thenewgreen  ·  1491 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: March 18, 2020

I hope you are all safe, healthy and staying positive in the face of all of this. It's a different world and I think it's just the beginning.

About a month and a half ago I got sick. Probably a sinus infection. I now have had a post infectious cough for over a month. I'm told it could last another month or more. Aside from feeling very fatigued and constantly coughing, I"m totally fine. I'm not complaining. It could be much worse. But it's VERY hard to have business calls with this cough. People assume that I have COVID-19 and are freaked out.

We need to raise money right now. It's probably the WORST environment in the history of startups to be raising money. I'm going to have to lean on current investors to improve their positions. Good news is, our company is stronger than ever from a fundamentals standpoint. They'll get a good valuation, that's for sure. Bad news is, I was hoping to raise our Series A from larger marquee firms. That's just not happening right now.

We are very fortunate that our Au Pair lives with us and is a trained teacher. Our kids may actually be getting a better education at home. Everyday I am responsible for after school recess. I've been playing soccer with them and doing pushups and setups. Every night we have had home cooked meals and we are actually all together, eating at our table. I've had some of the best few family days I've had in a long while.

We were supposed to travel to Belize at the end of the month. We have cancelled. We will stay put. No travel for us.

I played virtual games with mk and some other friends the other night via Zoom. It was a lot of fun. I ordered a classic Nintendo mini for our kids. Time to relive my childhood with them.

In short, I'm trying to look at the positives. My family seems closer because of this. That's a really good thing. My business is precarious, but we have a path forward. My health isn't the best, but it sure as hell could be worse.

Oh, also I haven't had a drink in almost a week. That's a big deal for me. I'm trying to make it to a week, which will be Saturday. Who knows, maybe I'll just keep the streak going.

Be well, Hubski. I love you.