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comment by JTHipster
JTHipster  ·  4208 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: A Jailbait Loving Perv Destroyed Amanda Todd's Life

    While this story is receiving a lot of attention in the media, the Canadian press has so far failed to properly illuminate the role of popular jailbait image boards and the horribly destructive control that one lone creep, hiding behind his computer, had over Amanda’s life.

It was a generally decent article, though by no mean something terribly newsworthy.

I like the attachment of "how can we blame popular sites for this problem?" down at the end instead of talking about doing something useful.

Let's be honest here guys. American culture especially sexualizes teens a whole lot. Its bound to spread north at the end of the day.

Its cool though, I mean, its not like pressures to appear sexually attractive will have any adverse effects on people flushed with more hormones than a factory farm. Mmmmyep.