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comment by elizabeth
elizabeth  ·  1575 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski, How Has Your Decade Been?

I graduated high school in 2010. I don’t know what 15 year old me would think of myself today. But here are some things that happened in the past decade:

- got brain surgery, that eliminated my epilepsy.

- finished a degree in business admin and marketing

- met my boyfriend (7years already!)

- travelled a lot

- started a few businesses, but nothing super successful

- got sucked into the whole burning man thing

I feel like I’ve changed, explored and learned a lot. But I don’t feel like I’ve achieved much or even gotten a lot of answers. The what I want to do with my life question is still just as puzzling. Im hoping the next decade will have more “building “ than “exploring” if that makes sense. Because at times it feels I haven’t gotten very far, and it’s time to stop fucking around and actually do something.