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comment by katakowsj
katakowsj  ·  1857 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Human Contact Is Now a Luxury Good

    How comfortable someone is with human engagement could become a new class marker.

     I can see this in my 8th grade math students. Those that come prepared for, and take, high school algebra in the 8th grade come from homes of means.  By and large, they are the most socially engaged and industrious students I have.  

     My classes with students of lesser means often freak out when I present a new seating chart.  "I can't/won't sit by him/her" occurs in 3-5 times in those classes.   In my 8th grade Algebra I, classes, students that come from places of high social interaction, students know that human interaction is paramount to success and they hardly grumble at new seating.