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comment by Merlin
Merlin  ·  2043 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Sci-Fi club: general discussion

Sounds neat, I personally just picked up the sci-fi classic "Dune" by Frank Herbert. Somehow I have owned it for years but never once sat down and cracked it open. I'm only a few chapters in (Paul is just now arriving on Arrakis) but I have been really enjoying it! I'm excited to dive into some of the worldbuilding aspects and see what makes this the classic it is!

johnnyFive  ·  2043 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'm excited for you! Dune is my favorite fiction book of all time.

ooli  ·  2043 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I'm happy for you. And if you enjoy this one, You'll have hours of enjoyment with all the subsequent books

Dune and all the book in the series were the first books in my life I read more than once.

I even tried 1 book in the same universe "written" by F.Herbet son's, Brian Herbert (if I remember his name correctly, I still have this abomination on my bookshelves, but wont look for it). It almost make me puke out of second hand embarrassment.