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comment by am_Unition
am_Unition  ·  2107 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Trump news Dump. Euro Trip Edition

This is a good one from today: Maria Butina, Russian gun rights advocate, charged in U.S. with acting as Russian Federation agent. The autoplay video is pretty good, actually.



Maybe Torshin is next, but it seems like this could be the FBI taking a shot across the bow of the NRA and seeing what moves.

tacocat  ·  2107 days ago  ·  link  ·  

See? I saw that story earlier and it got pushed out of my brain. The story about the Russian grad student. Probably pushed out by my own weird thought patterns but under a normal administration that'd be the day's top story.

I'm interested and concerned about the news that will affect the future but sometimes I gotta step back and realize that my interest and curiosity is affecting my stress level and I need a break from political news

am_Unition  ·  2107 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I also walk a fine line. :/