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comment by oyster
oyster  ·  2127 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Real or Fake news? - Father of one of the “Separated” children speaks


    while at the same time recommending changes to obsolete & nasty laws, which force family separation.

He literally in the literal sense of the word said this is happening. Nobody in his government has denied this at all. They literally said that they are sepeating families because they are prosecuting everybody that crosses illegally even if they apply for asylum once getting there. They’re just blaming Democrats.

The basics are that they’ve decided to prosecute everybody who cross illegally and although they say people can still cross a bridge legally those people are waiting days in the hot sun hearing nothing. The dumbest thing is that a lot of those people will probably gain entry into the country, and their child will be traumatized by the experience depending on age. The point of keeping families together is to not fuck up their brain development before you let them into your society. It’s like me emotionally scarring somebody at my door and then inviting them into my house, it’s probably better to not emotionally scar them.

Keeping families separate is one thing. Doing it without ensuring a proper child to caretaker ratio is idiotic and having to figure out where to house said children after enacting the policy is reckless. I have a hard time believing this government agency can’t look back at the previous year to estimate how much they’ll likely take in and how much space/tents/beds/caretakers they need.

When your government says it does something and you still try to believe they’re not doing that thing it might be time to take a step back.