I'm trying to do a bit of everything. I've just started to do olympic lifts, so I'm trying to comfortably rep out cleans at 60kgs, and then just be able to jerk in general. I'd like to get my bench to 275bs ORM, back squat to 315, and front squat to at least 225. With all of this I'm aiming for a 30min 5 mile while mainting sprint speed. Basically the overall goal is to keep a solid balance of endurance, strength, and speed. Several somewhat recent life occurences have held me back but I've been making decent progress so far.
Nice!! I've always liked the look of Olympic Lifts - I'd need to go to a different gym to try them though. My current one doesn't have the rubber plates or the platforms needed... It's decidedly "old school". Great plan to keep the endurance levels up. I'm happy as long as I can still run about 7km when needed but I certainly don't work on it like I should. Keep me posted on your lifting progress, what are the numbers looking like now?
Olympic lifts are definitely worth trying. The change from strength to power feels amazing. Sometimes i do miss the old sweat and iron gyms. My numbers aren't great right now. I dont ORM often so these are all approximation. Cleaning about 125, back squat somewhere in the mid 200's, bench about 205, front squat maybe 185, and 5 miles in around 34-35 min. My training schedule is all kinds of funky, so I've just had to fit in odd workouts here and there