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comment by _refugee_
_refugee_  ·  2183 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: April 25, 2018

I just find it hard to work with people the way I need to when I'm also like "you're a fucking bitch," you know? So it helps me to imagine it's incompetence. or drugs.

like, it is very hard for me to be nice to people if i believe they are deliberately being, shall we say, "fuckin' idiots." and at work, i gotta be nice. and i gotta convince these people to work with me, day in and day out.

hence the pain medication

but i bitch about 'em to other people all i like, of course

i resonate deeply with some lines of kanye west's hit single "runaway"

which isn't a plug post even tho it sound like it do

_refugee_  ·  2183 days ago  ·  link  ·  

someone asked me if knew how playstation accounts worked today

like i mean in a patronizing tone of voice so that he could explain it to me

i said " uh - uh - st- we - uh - well - yes, you know, i'm always willing to hear another perspective and learn whether we have the same idea about things, yes, so i'd love to hear more if you are offering it"

i keep thinking about this moment