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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  2184 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Does Conscientious Objection have a place in Medicine?

It gets sticky exactly where you say: you're in a rural town, you're constitutionally eligible to have a medical procedure, and there's a law on the books permitting trained medical professionals to refuse you that procedure. This is happening to abortion clinics across the rural South of the USA; make the act of running an abortion clinic onerous and abortions become de facto illegal in that state because you cant get one. It also doesn't get covered by the Hippocratic Oath: primum non nocere doesn't say "first, perform elective procedures."

But that whole "I don't like your politics, I'm not going to give you medical care" is quite clearly on the other side of a very clear black line.