"... wonder whether we should." Man. That just nails it on the head. Yesterday three idiots tried to hold up a 7-11 (convenience store) in downtown Seattle, next door to my company's product development offices. Gun battle, two cops shot, two of the robbers killed, and the third captured after a brief standoff and the cops using a flashbang on her. Ross McNutt could rewind their approach. Find out where they were earlier in the day. A weapons storage locker? A house where others were planning other robberies? Starbucks? These people don't show up on our radar until after they pull the sawed-off shotgun from under their coats, suddenly, in the middle of a store. I want to think that being able to go back and see their activity prior to the event would be ... ummm ... helpful? ... in, umm... some way? Maybe? Damn.