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comment by WanderingEng
WanderingEng  ·  2571 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: #BoycottUnited

    While I do agree that this is an awful way to treat your customers, I have seen quite a few people going bananas over United's overbooking strategy. "Didn't he pay for his seat? How can United sell seats they don't have??!" That just isn't how airlines work these days.

Ignoring the textbook stuff, I think the issue is not seeking volunteers. No volunteers? Offer more money. That's the overbooking strategy I have an issue with. Overbook, fine, but don't kick people off planes when there aren't volunteers at the price you want to pay.

kleinbl00  ·  2571 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Vox is arguing that the FAA's own guidebook says $1350, not $800, and that it's up to the airline to negotiate more. The problems are

1) Nobody is flying Chicago to Louisville on a Sunday evening for fun

2) People flying Chicago to Louisville on a Sunday evening do it regularly

3) People who fly that leg regularly have a pretty good idea how delayed, shitty and overbooked United tends to be on that leg

4) People with an idea of how shitty and overbooked United tends to be have probably gotten worthless vouchers before

5) People who have gotten worthless vouchers before are not eager to get more worthless vouchers

6) It boggles the mind that a paying customer could be forcefully removed from a flight because United couldn't solve their bullshit crew problems.

This is a flight full of people going "there's no way United could be that shitty" and a country full of people going "wow. United is shitty."