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comment by user-inactivated
user-inactivated  ·  2584 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: March 22, 2017

    Said the programmer (props for Haskell by the way! ;)) with a dozen of hobbies and strong tendency to ponder. Dude, you have more interesting things to say than almost every single blog I read so far! Your literal dotfiles alone helped me a lot and were a cool thing to read.

Woah woah woah. You read my dotfiles?

My mind is blown. I was actually thinking about yanking those from my github, since I've moved to neovim, but I guess I won't now.

    Don't pigeon-hole yourself with something specific and talk about stuff that's on your mind. I'm by all means serious.

This is good advice. And flattering. Most of the blogs I've read have been focused in on one or two things. I've read a lot recently, combing over hakyll repositories.

I really like how Matt Wetmore has moved his footnotes along side the text in the margin, but I don't like the way he did it. Not that that matters, as his repository doesn't have a license for me to yank that anyways.

Devac  ·  2583 days ago  ·  link  ·  
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user-inactivated  ·  2583 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    Since I don't like Sublime or Vim (although their selection of Haskell-related plugins actually works out of the box :/) and Leksah can't be even installed without some serious work on Cabal I had to default to Emacs.

Yeah, wanting to work with Haskell or lisps pushes me towards Emacs, but nvim's superior terminal interface and evil-mode's uncanny-valley of vimness pushes me slightly harder towards nvim. I can come back to vim after long spans of disuse and just pick it up, like riding a bike. Emacs is more like learning to juggle: constant practice, or it slips away from me.

Devac  ·  2583 days ago  ·  link  ·  
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user-inactivated  ·  2583 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I've never tried any of the starter packs. My issue with Evil is that it is great --in some ways a better vim than vim-- until you have to use a package that doesn't have an evil-mode wrapper. I have a hard time jumping between the two styles of editing.