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comment by kleinbl00

It's about as classic a push poll as you could write. "As a democrat, do you (A) hate freedom or (B) hate god? please select one."

It's reassuring to me to see that the primary thing the Republican Party wishes to speak to its base about is trinkets. Donald J. Trump probably sends me email four times a week and this is the second time it hasn't been exhorting me to buy some damn t-shirt or plate or commemorative plaque. I'll take petty and dumb over malevolent and ambitious any day.

Trombone  ·  2618 days ago  ·  link  ·  
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kleinbl00  ·  2618 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Oh, yeah. ACLU, Dems, 350 and Planned Parenthood are all in heavy metal freakout mode. Granted, they've earned their shrillness. Team Trump? Buy some girl scout cookies.