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comment by someguyfromcanada
someguyfromcanada  ·  2656 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Toyota's NASCAR Quest: Previewing the 2018-Camry-Based V-8 Race Car

Ugh. I get so frustrated every time I have this discussion.

It goes even deeper. If you want blank stares instead of consternation take one more step.

A company's profits go to its shareholders. Who are the shareholders of Toyota? Three of the top ten shareholders of Toyota are American companies. And those companies have diversified, usually institutionalized, ownership just like the Japanese companies who are the main owners of Toyota. It is certain that Americans own shares and partake in the profits of both the American shareholding companies as well as the main Japanese owners. And it is also probable that American auto workers/teachers/police/etc. union pension funds own a piece of all of those entities and so also profit.

It is so complicated. Ownership, ethics, etc. I can't spend an hour on google every time I want to buy an apple.

user-inactivated  ·  2656 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yeah, but if they don't care about "American Wages," they're not gonna give two damns about shareholders. Globalization has made a weird web of this all, huh?

someguyfromcanada  ·  2656 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I have no delusions about that argument making them change their mind. It is too confusing and is usually met by blank stares. But I like to work in the fact that American pensioners are also benefiting. If they continue but are not too angry I ask why they hate old blue-collar people and turn it into a joke, which usually ends it. Maybe, just maybe, they will think about it later but probably not.