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comment by ericmcckinley
ericmcckinley  ·  4299 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Against Chairs
If you hang out with audio engineers working in popular music, one thing you may have noticed is that they're really in to drums.

Mixing drums has become the ultimate test of a sound engineers abilities. I think that like the industrial engineer, this has become a sort of statement. So and so mixes his drums "this way" or uses "this technique". It's something we can put a small "signature" on the project with. Maybe its just the engineers I know though.

One thing that is different, chairs may suck but drums are amazing.

I guess my convoluted point is that in most pursuits/careers there is an equivalent "thing" that one aspires to perfect as a test of ability. For us, it's drums.