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comment by bioemerl
bioemerl  ·  2722 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Voter Suppression Trail

It's a bit of media created in a way that makes you look at the facts and come away with a single opinion rather than presenting the system and facts in a fairly neutral way that shows understanding of a larger picture and allows people to draw their own conclusions.

Video games shouldn't be propaganda. Games like sim city can show us how hard it is to allocate money, but you don't see it where the systems are designed to make you reach a conclusion.

I even agree with the point this thing is trying to make. Polling is often difficult and republicans are actively trying to suppress minority votes. However, the way it's going about making this point is absolutely horrible, hamfisted, and isn't helpful at all to society in general outside of a cute laugh for those who already agree with the point.

It's propaganda, opinion piece or not, I still think it's propaganda and I'm sad to see it done in video game form.