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comment by goobster
goobster  ·  2721 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: When - And How - Great Movie Narration Works

Hm. Or, alternately, the ultimate story that narration tells is that the director/actor couldn't manage to tell the story in pictures, so they threw in the towel and took the easy way by adding narration.

I'm not highly opinionated about the use of narration, myself. I've enjoyed it. I've hated it. It's just another tool, to me. Like choosing to shoot in black and white, or the framing choices made by the cinematographer in Mr. Robot.

But like any tool in the kit, overuse it, and it gets worn and tired-looking. And, it isn't always the right tool for every job.

steve  ·  2721 days ago  ·  link  ·  

agreed? I think? Perhaps I'm reading the sentence wrong - or perhaps I'm reading your comment wrong.

Narration is a tool. Sometimes narration works, and sometimes it doesn't (although it looks like kb falls into the "doesn't" camp). And one measure (in my mind) is if it complements the film or not. Does it add or detract?

goobster  ·  2720 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Short version: I think narration is another tool in the bag of filmmakers. It can be used well, and it can be used poorly. I have no base aversion to it, like KB does.