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comment by rob05c
rob05c  ·  2765 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Confessions of an American Pumpkin Eater

    At the time, it felt like Mrs. Connor’s goal was not to keep us honest but to get a sadistic thrill from making two young girls cry. To be honest, it still feels like that.

No, Mrs. Connor's goal was to teach the Conservative (psychologically, not necessarily politically) ethical value of obedience.

Which I find equally repulsive. But it helps to understand it. It isn't sadism. It's a fundamental moral principle of a certain mindset and worldview; broadly, Conservatism.

I had teachers the same way. Most of us have. I now reject that worldview as immoral and repugnant. Obedience to arbitrary authority is not a virtue. To help one's group (country, football team) at the harm of another is not a virtue. Arbitrary purity (eating organic, sex, tattoos) is not a virtue.

We can better fight these worldviews by identifying them. Telling Mrs. Connor she's sadistic will only reinforce her beliefs. Gently inquiring as to what she hopes to gain, and how she believes she is helping her students succeed might plant the seed that eventually changes her worldview and her behavior.

cgod  ·  2764 days ago  ·  link  ·  

It's and ethos that lends itself to sadistic personalities.

I had a few of these teachers in grade school, they transformed me from an extrovert to an introvert by trying to hammer me into place.

In hindsight their behavior towards me was disturbing

rob05c  ·  2764 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Yeah, I had one particularly bad teacher like that. I was a quiet and generally good kid. She was typically assigned "bad" kids, because of her reputation as "tough". So, she decided I was a bad kid, with no evidence, and was simply mean to me. All year.

Being a small town, my mom runs into her every now and then. To this day, she's convinced I was a "bad kid" and she "straightened me out". From what my mom reports, she feels that I am where I am today in large part due to her influence.

I am where I am in spite of people like her, not because of them. The only thing she taught me, was how to deal with mean people in positions of abusive power.