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comment by thenewgreen
thenewgreen  ·  2785 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What should teenagers spend their time doing?

    Everyone is just insecure and greasy and annoying.

When I was a young man I attended a funeral of a close family friend. I was nervous about how to behave at the funeral. Afterwards I confided in my father about how nervous I had been and about how I didn't know what the right way to act was. I asked him, "does it get easier as you get older?" and he replied, "as you get older you realize that nobody knows how to act."

Now that I am approaching the age my father was at the time, I think that's a good analogy. I am still insecure at times, but I recognize that everyone is. Even the most seemingly self-assured person has moments of doubt and insecurity. It's just the human condition.

I can't help you with the grease though :)

Take advantage of your abundance of free time. You don't realize how much you have till you don't have it. Learn something cool. Take guitar lessons, play tennis or wind-surf. Do something.