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comment by mk
mk  ·  2804 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: On arbitrary time milestones, passions, and community.

Thanks, francopoli.

My internet experience started with a 1200 baud modem and BBS'ing late when my folks didn't mind me tying up the phone, maybe around 1990. steve and I were together when I first chatted 'live' with someone over the internet. I think it was on a BBS called Woody's Nest.

Although I was always MUDding and browsing, I didn't get into the social aspect of the web until Reddit in 2006.

Early Reddit felt much like those BBS days at their best, and made an impression on me. The people there were intellectually curious, and usually had something to offer. The internet was the medium, not the matter. IMHO many folk are now becoming less enamored with reach, and more interested in matter again. At the very least, I think it is now recognized that reach needn't be the ultimate goal. That's a good thing.

Hubski exists to support that type of interaction, and I intend it to always do so. It warms my heart to see it happen, and to think that I am playing some part in it. I see Hubski as a success. But these are still early days. However, to the extent that we change as time passes, we are only going to become more Hubski. That is the point.

rob05c  ·  2804 days ago  ·  link  ·  

What MUDs?

mk  ·  2804 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Hm. It was mostly around '95-96. It's funny that I don't recall the name. I'll have to ask my buddy that was on it as well. I recall that it was text-only, there was PK, and also that you could emote leaving a location to fool someone that was chasing you. Maybe it was Empire?

I was playing Asheron's Call after that.

rob05c  ·  2804 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Just curious. I was really into Achaea in high school.

I wrote gomud a few years ago. It's simple, but the basic functionality is there. I updated it with Lua NPC scripting at Gophercon this year.

mk  ·  2804 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Awesome. The team will discuss on the next call. :) My pal and I created a text adventure called Dork in '96. It was so good. There was an exploding oven and a yeti. If you timed the yeti chasing you just right...
