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comment by johnnyFive
johnnyFive  ·  2819 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: You Should Be Terrified That People Who Like “Hamilton” Run Our Country

Your first quote was the bit that really hit me. (Side note: I'm super glad that someone else here reads Current Affairs. I don't agree with everything they write, to be sure, but it's almost always worth thinking about.)

This is probably worth its own post at some point, but I'm sick of bromides and half-assed solutions. What passes for liberalism in the U.S. is at least as guilty of it as conservatives, and I really wish they'd stop.

Reef3  ·  2817 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Actually, this is the first time I've encountered Current Affairs. Anything else particularly worth looking at?

johnnyFive  ·  2817 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I read everything they put online. I quite liked this piece on the morality of deporting aliens with a criminal history, for example.

I don't agree with everything, as I said, but I think the only article I've read that I found to be outright dumb was their piece on gun control. And that may simply have been an attack of Poe's law.

blackbootz  ·  2818 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Do you have a subscription?

I'm considering it. This UNLESS THE DEMOCRATS RUN SANDERS, A TRUMP NOMINATION MEANS A TRUMP PRESIDENCY article is looking a lot more prescient than it did 5 months ago. And this Robinson is thought-provoking. They've also got this book giveaway with a print subscription, and, not that I'm lacking for things to read, it'd be nice to finally get a physical copy of Don Quixote.

johnnyFive  ·  2817 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I don't, but I've considered it often. As I mentioned elsewhere, I like basically everything I've read from them, and agree with most of it. Always makes me think of new things, at least.