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comment by jadedog
jadedog  ·  2862 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Brexit looks likely.

Thanks for the response, but I'm still not getting it. What is the 51.6% and the 51.7% a percentage of?

Of the people who showed up who are eligible to vote, wouldn't the percentage of votes have to equal 100% of them who have voted so far?

Devac  ·  2862 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Total population = 100%, let's say 100 people

Turnout = 70% means that 70 people went to cast votes, 30 abstained.

Now, if you have 50-50 (50% vs 50% remis) means that 35 people said 'yes', 35 people said no.

One more person from ones who abstained up to this point went and cast a vote for yes. Now we have:

Turnout: 71%, 71 people

Yes: 50.7% or 36 people out of 71

No: 49.3% or 35 people out of 71

EDIT: each time I wrote 'people' I meant it as a shorthand for 'people eligible to cast votes' for purpose of this example.

jadedog  ·  2862 days ago  ·  link  ·  

OK, I got it. Thanks! :)

I misread the OP. I thought when it said counted, it meant counted as staying, not just the percentage of people counted in general. I was reading that as 51.6% as voted for staying and 51.7% as voted for leaving. But it meant 51.6% counted in total and 51.7% voted for leaving and 49.3% for staying.

Devac  ·  2862 days ago  ·  link  ·  

No problem, that's the only question/post here where I felt competent enough to answer ;).