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comment by Devac
Devac  ·  2863 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Mongolia is changing all its addresses to three-word phrases

I have a weird suspicion that it will yield just as many problems. I don't need to be a dyslexic to have a problem with differentiation between "Jig Oregon Wheat" and "Jog Oregano Whit".

PirateBear  ·  2863 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I have no clue how what3words is assigning words, but this could be mitigated by not assigning similar sounding words to areas anywhere near each other. If your first example was in Monogolia and the second example was in the U.S., the chances of confusion would be low and it would obvious when it does happen.

DJWalnut  ·  2853 days ago  ·  link  ·  

", but this could be mitigated by not assigning similar sounding words to areas anywhere near each other. "

they already thought of that and fixed it before it became a problem.

DJWalnut  ·  2853 days ago  ·  link  ·  

", but this could be mitigated by not assigning similar sounding words to areas anywhere near each other. "

they already thought of that and fixed it before it became a problem.