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comment by kleinbl00

the fundamental basis of this discussion is that narcissistic assholes are allowed to be narcissistic assholes... so long as they aren't white males. And while the right to be a narcissistic asshole is a poor substitute for the right to be given the benefit of the doubt in pretty much every societal transaction, it still means that us white males must studiously bite our tongues when we encounter a narcissistic asshole... because otherwise, we're

(A) racists

(B) homophobes

(C) misogynists

(D) all of the above

simply for calling a spade a spade, an idiom that dates to Plutarch, but which you're likely to get called a racist over because if someone thinks it's offensive, it's offensive.

illu45  ·  2890 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Not sure what you had in mind with the link... I mean, I just try to not engage with narcissistic assholes most of the time, but I also don't care if they think I'm racist/homophobic/misogynistic/etc.