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comment by jadedog
jadedog  ·  2919 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Dear hubski, why are you here?

I've been looking for a place to write at for a long time. I was looking for a place that was small enough for people to know each other, for a place where the moderation didn't get in the way of expressing myself, for a place where people discussed things with a civil tone. Hubski provides all of that plus a place where people do and share interesting things and a team of people who care about the place enough to speak up about what they want and the people at the backend care enough to listen and change things, if need be.

I like two things about the moderation. I like that the overall moderation is hands-off and that the user's ability to moderate their own experience is so flexible.

That all sounded a little too gushy. I'm new and still finding my way here. As with all things, I'm sure there are downsides. I hope that the upsides continue to outweigh the downsides as I continue here.

swedishbadgergirl  ·  2912 days ago  ·  link  ·  

I agree with you on so many fronts.
