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comment by kleinbl00
kleinbl00  ·  2930 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: ADS-B Exchange: World's largest co-op of unfiltered flight data

That's nice an'all but the arms race between Flightradar24 and FlightAware makes it almost moot.

For about two years FR24 has been giving away $1000 transponders to anyone near an airport; I almost got one except they'd already given one to a guy 4 miles further away so fuck those frogs. Flightaware, for their part, would sell you one that ran on a RaspPi for like $300. Both services will give you access to their full-time VIP data if you have an upload account and both services kick the shit out of ADSBExchange.

Shots were fired over the weekend when FlightAware introed their $22 antenna which goes into their step by step build kit. Which, really, is probably what you should be running anyway regardless of what service you're plugged into and so long as you're building for FA, you're probably sticking with FA.

So yay open-source but it's kind of a Gimp vs Photoshop discussion at this point.

veen  ·  2930 days ago  ·  link  ·  

    For about two years FR24 has been giving away $1000 transponders to anyone near an airport

...aaand I've applied. My parents live almost next to a military airport. The data alone would be worth the trouble but it also sounds like a cool thing to have.

kleinbl00  ·  2930 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Good luck! I was bummin' when they turned me down and although I'm close enough to Paine Field now that this guy is louder than the TV sometimes, I didn't run enough cable under the house to put an antenna up on the mast so I haven't quite hooked up my ADS-B world yet. I don't know what other airports B&K does this for, but the LAX one was relevant to my interests.