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comment by _refugee_
_refugee_  ·  2977 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why do people form opinions on new subjects without learning about them ?

    people who say things like " The world used to be such a better place" When really the world was always kind of shitty and it's been getting better constantly

A single objection: I don't think the world's environment and biosphere are getting better, I think we as humans are degrading them and more quickly as time passes. I do say "The world used to be a better place," which is why I say this - but when I do, if I am serious, I am invariably referring to things like animal extinction, quality of air, quality of life as impacted by the environment, etc. I think the world used to be better in that there used to be more in it, and that we are destroying that.

In terms of quality of life, though, I do think the world is generally getting better (undeniably) in that regard.

oyster  ·  2977 days ago  ·  link  ·  

Ah yes I could have been more clear in my meaning. I do think we as humans are getting better at understanding we need to take care of the planet however the progress is slow. We may be better than we were in the industrial age for example but if we look farther back in time there was a time when it was better. So that statement is fair since we still have a ways to go before we get back to a better time

Things like quality of life is more what I was getting at with that. Like how safe people thought the world is. People will point to an incident of violence and talk about how downhill the world is going like this is the worst time to be alive. I find it especially weird when women say that... What a terrible burden all these rights and equal opportunities must be. Others places might be slower but they are still progressing which inevitably means they are getting better.